5 Top Meditation Blogs You Can Follow For Practicing Mindfulness & Inner Peace

5 Top Meditation Blogs You Can Follow For Practicing Mindfulness & Inner Peace

Do you want to learn more about meditation? You’ll find our hand-picked selection of the 5top meditation blogsbelow, which you can start following right now.

Meditation isn’t associated with any religion. It’s a beautiful habit to do daily to get more in touch with your consciousness.Another benefit of meditation is that it allows you to become more aware and, therefore, more present at the moment.People often forget to set aside time from their hectic lives to focus on their mental health and wellness habits.

Below is a selection of the best meditation blogs that may provide you with the additional push you’ve been looking for when it comes to your mental health and wellness.

#1. Tiny Buddha

Lori Deschene created Tiny Buddha in 2009. It has since grown into a significant resource for individuals seeking pleasure and serenity, as demonstrated by its over three million monthly readers. It also boasts a thriving community, as shown by its active forum.

The name of the blog, as well as the majority of its content, is Buddhist. It is not, however, exclusively concerned with spiritual concerns. There are also articles and blogs about overcoming hardship, achieving objectives, and embracing optimism.

#2. The Blissful Mind

Catherine Beard is the brains behind The Blissful Mind, a fantastic sitefor boosting one’s self-esteem and attitude. She educates her audience on how to build a healthy and happy moodto attain peace of mind. She also offers self-care advice that may help readers avoid burnout and stress.

We have more power and influence over our lives than we realize, according to Beard. She used to be a perfectionist stuck in a world of overthinking and self-destructive behaviour, but she learned how to let go and live on her own terms. She wants everyone else to understand that letting go is a necessary component of attaining a healthy and joyful state of being.

#3. Cait Flanders

Cait Flanders has spent almost a decade learning how to be more by doing less debt, less clutter, less time online, and less consumption of unimportant items. She refers to this way of living as “opting out,” which essentially means deciding to live independent of what we’ve grown to expect.

Check out Flanders if you’re searching for a blog or someone that can educate you on how to be prosperous and happy while living frugally.

#4. Zen Habits

Zen Habitsis among the most popular meditation blogs. It comes up in discussion whenever we talk about mindfulness and self-help blogs. The term “Zen” refers to a “state of awareness” that improves our capacity to connect to the environment in the most effective manner possible.

Zen Habits founder Leo Babauta thinks that there are no magic techniques or enormous levels of effort required to accomplish our goals in life. He believes that living simply and taking one step at a time is the key to success—slowly but steadily.

#5. YogiApproved

YogiApproved is a yoga and healthy living group on the internet. While it primarily focuses on yoga, it also includes meditation and mindfulness material. In a nutshell, it aids you in reconnecting with your spiritual side. This website is an excellent place to start if you wish to study yoga or mindful meditation.

Final Words

All of these meditation blogs are amazing. They are the world’s top meditation blogs.So, I, on behalf of”In The Calm Store“, want to express my gratitude to all of my fellow meditation blog post writers and practitioners. You guys are incredible.

Do you have any suggestions for other mindfulness blogs that we should include in this list? Please let us know what you think.

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