1. Buy a Quart of Paint Color First

Rather than buying the whole can of a color you want to paint in the room, buy a quarter of that color and paint it on a small area then analyze whether it suits in that room or not and also the way the lighting is affecting it. If the color favors the room, you can buy the whole can now but if it doesn’t then you can easily go for another color. This tip is also followed by experts from residential interior painting services.
2. Use Edger or Angled Brush

This could be a time-saving tip for you as covering all the edges of your windows or doors while painting the interior could be really time-consuming. With edger or angled brushes you can easily paint the walls without being worried about the windows and doors, all you would have to do it be a little slower and careful while painting around those areas and hold the angled brush as instructed (usually they are held like a pencil).
3. Prevent the Paint from Drying Out

Once the paint can get half-empty, it could dry out if not kept properly at a safe place. Prevent your paint from drying out so that you do not have to throw that away and buy a new one. This would just cost you money for a little carelessness of yours. You can, however, save your paint by air tightening the can by wrapping the lid of can with a plastic wrap and storing it in a safe place in an upside-down position or dropping some golf balls into the can so that the air space gets filled.
4. Cover Everything
You would definitely not want your floor, furniture or anything else in the house to get paint splashes on it as well so, cover everything that you need to keep safe from paint splashes. For covering small objects such as switchboards or doorknobs, plastic bags would be great. Whereas for the floor, you can either newspaper or bigger plastic. However, the residential interior painting services send their team along with all the needed stuff including covering materials.
5. Paint the Wall from Top to Bottom

If you have ever noticed that all the professional from residential commercial painting services have this tactic of starting the wall paint from top to downwards. This is because there could be paint splashes on the lower side of the wall when you are painting the upper one and those splashes can get covered with the fresh paint coat. But, if you start from the bottom and while painting the upper wall, the splashes on the lower and dried paint could leave marks that usually looks quite unprofessional and unpleasant.
6. Opt for the Correct Primer
Use the correct primers depending on the type of wall you are painting for example;
- If you are painting challenged walls such as smoke saturated, water-damaged or paneled walls, make sure that you go for oil-based primers.
- But, if the wall is new and dry it would be ideal to use water primers as it provides an even and smoother base.